Tuesday, October 28, 2008

delicious turkey

As October winds down, and we proceed to the notoriously worst month of my life, I can't help but recall the one thing that actually brightens my outlook for November. Some would argue that I'm referring to the return of Thursday night football. Others would say that it's the night before Thanksgiving. Uneducated guessers maintain that it's Black Friday. Nay to each, I'm talking about the day I engaged my wife.

True, I don't give Reese much credit in my digital antics. She's rarely mentioned in a lovey-dovey way around these parts, mainly because I lived through the whole "lets tell tales of our puppy love by writing endless paragraphs in our ICQ info" era, and let me tell you - I'm glad to be well removed from that.

November 11, 2007 was a day I'll remember til the day I get Alzheimer's. I decide to go running. Reese didn't like the cold and wanted to go home. She plays nice and gets a ring for it. We all know the story by now. What I didn't tell you before, though, is that on that very day I wrote a song... HAH! Okay, well maybe I didn't do that so much, but I did end up humming a bit and it sort of went like this:

Hum-hum-humhumhum-hum-hum, HUM HUM HUM HUMHUM, do-do, HUM HUM HUM HUM HUMHUM, do-do-do-dee-do-dee-do.

I like to consider it my own spin off of the Old Spice jingle.

What was I saying?

Oh yeah, Reese and I are in love and everyone should know it. There.

Now I'm ready for Thanksgiving.

Monday, October 27, 2008



It's mah birthday. How bout that? 26 years old and as Murphy put it in a not-so-readable txt message earlier, "the best years of my life are behind me". I seriously doubt that, but hell, whatever it takes to get Murph blocked from ever txting me again...

So my sister had her baby shower over the weekend. It was hellacious! Reese and my mom were so flustered, I could barely even move about the house comfortably. I remember sitting down to watch some ESPN pre-game, when I was comandeered to take a mess of papers to Staples and get oh, I dunno, 40 some copies of each page in this baby-program. There's four pages in the program. Four times forty... Ah, hell with it, you do the math. The precursor to this was our frantic search for a printer that functioned. My mom's got a kick ass laser printer that constantly is in need of yellow toner or an imaging drum. Go figure. So we take the pages to my aunt's printer, which is out of black ink. Nary a tear was shed before I lept out of my pillow fortress on my couch, did I offer to go to Staples. It turns out we were able to find a printer (not mentioning where) and I got to enjoy my Sunday before filming.

Yes, I mentioned filming. Partly because every four years, SUYM produces an "election" video, where we pit two rivals against one another in a heated debate sequence. It'll be just fine in a few days.

Til then, I'm gonna rock my birthday out with some sweet, Celtic tunes of olde.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

my month

Sweet jesus, I've lost my blogging touch.

Lots has happened since my departure from blogging a few months ago. I guess when I'm going through one of my more ashamed moments, I don't really wanna write about it. True, I did have other things that pressed me for time, but the underlying reason for my digital absence was my pride. I didn't want to have to write about the fact that I had failed to make it in Arizona. (Yes, I'm back in good, old PA) I also didn't want to have to man up and write about how I spent the better portion of August without a job.

Things ain't always pleasant.

I'm sure I'll detail more about my summer of discontent, but here's a rundown of what I've done so far:

  • I'm happily married
  • I left Arizona for two reasons - safety and homesickness
  • I came back to no job (Consol had enough of my shenanigans)
  • I spent August searching desperately for a job
  • I got a job as an IT Manager for a nonprofit organization (Community Action Southwest --- LOVE IT!)
  • Reese and I are closing on our first home in two weeks
There we go. All tied up in a nice, neat, digital bow. Since October is my birthday month (27th, send presents) jumping back into my regularly scheduled blog made sense. Also, I got to make my blog headliner into a turkey-o-lantern. I love this month, and I love this time of year.

Good fer me.