Wednesday, April 02, 2008

i'm in charge here

The clouds have lifted, the sun is shining, birds are singing and plugged into an outlet in my dining room is a little battery pack. That's right, the new battery charger has arrived.

Rollo greeted me with the little charger in complete silence last night. After all, it was a pretty intense moment. We've gone without a power supply for a long time, so it was understood that as soon as we got the charger in our possession - it was business time. I have to admit, it wasn't exactly what I had expected. I thought we were getting a bona-fide power supply for this thing. What we really received was a battery charger (big difference physically, not much difference functionally). It's pretty slick. Aside from the car charger accessory, it doesn't have any chords. In fact, instead of trying to explain it - I'll just link the picture. It's a nifty gadget!

So I let the dead battery charge all night. Maybe tonight I'll goof around with it.

I still won't relinquish my hunt for the original power supply, though. It's awful handy to have an actual power supply when the battery's running low.