Sunday, May 11, 2008


First, I'd like to congratulate my fiancee - Reese - for graduating college yesterday. Well done!

In a few short hours I'll be taking my first flight ever. I'm not exactly sure what to expect. Obviously when it comes to this whole process, I'm a little green. The whole check-in / security process seems a bit much. I certainly understand why there's a need for it, I just can't seem to get directions as to where I need to be and how I have to do these things. What goes in the little bins while I'm going through security? I can carry what on? What goes through the x-ray thing? I expect a baptism by fire coupled with frustratingly long wait times for those unfortunate enough to get in line behind me.

I wonder if I've got a window seat. I wonder what the heck I'm gonna do for damn near two hours on the plane. I wonder how chaotic it will be when I arrive in Atlanta. I wonder how accurate my itinerary is.

I'll follow up at some point in Atlanta. Peace outtttttttt!


Anonymous said...

Thanks babe! and by the sounds of it, besides the weather and your flight being delayed a bit, you had an awesome flight! i'm very happy to hear that b/c now a whole new world of opportunity has opened for us! lol. have a great week!