Monday, November 14, 2005


Friends really rise to the occasion.

On Saturday, I spent the day preparing for my hockey game. I knew it was going to take pretty much everything I had to get there and play a really hard, fundamental game. I truly didn't realize how easy it would be. Given the recent events, I was hunkered down and prepared for the worst. Boy, I coudln't have been more wrong.

It all started when I went to pick up Ryan for my hockey game. When I got to his place, he informed me that four more people were tagging along. Holy crap. For those of you who know me well, you realize that this turn of events really changed my day. I absolutely love it when people come to my hockey games. It changes my game completely to know I'm actually playing for people that came to see ME. So, we pull back into my driveway and Ashley & Erica are right behind us. You can imagine the goofy smile I have on my face at this point. So now there's six of us all ready to go to my hockey game. Rollo pulls in and that makes seven. Add my mother and that's eight. Eight people all coming to see me. I was on cloud nine. :-)

Top that off with numerous well-wishes from LaResa, Jackie and Heather - this just about made my weekend. Seriously. Hey everybody, I'm still smiling!!! You are all amazing!!!

Partied on Saturday. Partied HARD. Partied with GOOD FRIENDS. This weekend totally did a 180.

I can go on and on about it forever, but I'm going to do a name-drop here and thank everyone who made this weekened absolutely unforgettable. Here we go:

Anne, Ashley, Ted, Rollo, Erica, LaResa, Jackie, Ryan, Kevin-the-Kevin, Humps, Danielle, Heather Nedzesky, Katie, Megan, Jed, Jesus, Heather, Ken, My entire hockey team, and last but not least - Mama. :-)

Everyone. Thank you.

...What a great weekend...



Rollo said...

Glad to help in any way I can...sometimes I stumble in the advice-givin department, but I've found that if I stumble and fall or do other silly things, I can still contribute.

Tonto, Jump on it!