Tuesday, June 10, 2008

what is this? amateur hour?

I guess that blue jay from the blog entry directly below this one somehow got wind of my frustrations because early this morning, he's outside boppin' around with another, LOUDER mystery bird. Birdwatch is now at DEFCON 3.

Seriously, I have no beef with birds. I've had the pleasure of growing up around them. I have a best friend who is obsessed with them and I've even worked with them. Most of the time, they're damn nifty to be around. The thing is though, I don't work with them anymore and I will never (NEVER!) wake up next to my bird-loving best friend. So, as I see it birds shouldn't play such a huge role in my morning.

To break the situation down, this bird is more of a singer than the wren or blue jay. That's nice and all, but it seems like all of these fellas have adopted the typical karaoke train of thought: "If I can't sing well, might as well sing loud." The damnedest thing is, I can't get a bead on this bird to try and identify it. (Gotta know the enemy) I saw it boppin' around with that blue jay for just a moment when it flapped off hastily. (morning grogginess conflicts directly with bird identification) Oh it came back alright, but it was nowhere to be seen. And brother, when it came back it sure let me know it was somewhere on the porch. (my best guess is that he's a rafter-sitter...) "CHIRP-A-REE-CHIRP" over and over and over again. This dude is louder than the blue jay (who has occasionally given it a rest from time to time) but I don't see any reason to play favorites here. They each have their own shortcomings.  And the final verdict always is; by their power combined, I'll never read my paper!

(Chuck, when & if you read this - 10 points if you can identify the bird.)


Anonymous said...

LOL...you make me laugh...

Rollo said...

Real bush. Bush League.