Sunday, January 04, 2009

adult swim's lineup

I'm a huge fan of Adult Swim. I've been an Aqua Teen since the very first episode back when I was in high school. I could probably recite the entire episode "Pierrot le Fou" from Cowboy Bebop. I'm usually pretty keen on anything that gets thrown into the Adult Swim lineup. That being said, I'm not entirely sure where King of the Hill fits in... Don't get me wrong, I sincerely appreciate AS reviving Family Guy in the early 2000's. I just don't know about KOTH. (Oh, and I'll be referring to Adult Swim from here on as AS)

I remember back in 1997, when I was a spry, young lad - I had heard about King of the Hill and really liked its concept. After all, Mike Judge pedigree isn't anything to immediatley write off. I suffered through many Sundays at 8:30pm. I can vividly recall the disappointment I'd experience as the Simpsons ended and KOTH signaled the start of a new week of school. I truly tried to enjoy it, but it never really grew on me. Sure, Bobby was funny - but Hank and Peggy are just... weird... Maybe its the whole Texas mentality, where certain things are a certain way no matter how liberal you tend to think. So will I give KOTH another try? I sure will. Maybe my immature mind wasn't capable of handling 1997 comedy. Either way, here's my stand on it - I don't necessarily agree with it, but I'll definitely give it another go.

Another addition to the AS lineup is The PJ's - another late 90's toon that I absolutely hated. Back in 99, I wasn't at all interested in a claymation cartoon about a poor family. I seriously thought it was going to be nothing more than a cartoon sitcom. I couldn't have been more wrong. Since The PJ's have been airing on AS, I've been watching them. This is some hilarious cartoonsmanship. I never knew it was about life in the projects - no, I didn't know PJ's stood for projects. These characters cuss, drop sexual and ethnic innuendo like crazy and just poke fun at life in general. AS did some great work in digging this show out of the archives.

And speaking of the archives, AS pulled Clerks: The Animated Series out of the woodwork. This is one of my most favorite cartoons OF ALL TIME. Back in 2003, Comedy Central had an incredible lineup of cartoons that aired from midnight to 3:00am. It included the likes of Clerks, Duckman, Gary & Mike, Undergrads and Dilbert. That lineup got me through my first half of college. (If anyone from AS reads this, PLEASE book all of those shows..) So, my sincerest thanks for bringing Clerks aboard.

2009 is starting off in grand fashion.


Chet Of The Undead said...

I like KOTH (mainly for...uhh...ethnic reasons :P )

...but yeah, not entirely sure that it fits in with AS's whole...IDIOM.

Bring back Danger Mouse instead :)

Take a bite out of '09 and have a good one man!