Saturday, January 03, 2009

the first trimester

So now that I'm fully awake and the cold medicine has worn off, I'm finally able to pen some thoughts. I don't think I've really blogged much about our pregnancy, so that's where I'd like to begin.

Yesterday marked the eleven-week milestone of our pregnancy, with only one more week to go until we swing into the second trimester. I really didn't expect the first trimester to go so quickly. We had our first ultrasound and it went well - we got to see the "shrimp" (as Reese calls it) moving around and we heard the heartbeat twice. Everything is progressing quite nicely as we approach week twelve. Aside from the doctor's visits, I really didn't know what to do as far as my role in this whole process goes. All I knew was Reese was going to be undergoing some major changes, and I needed to be prepared for them and be there for her. She did go through some intense changes, but she really handled them well. I know if it were me going through this transition, I'd be a huge baby about it. She really hunkered down and got through it. Morning sickness is the major offender here, but I find that an intense workout, followed by a thorough lifting program really helps Reese... Haha, I'm kidding... Soups, crackers, peppermint gum, lucky charms - all are truly helpful in dealing with morning sickness and we've got plenty of each stocking our pantry. We're really hoping that the next trimester brings some morning sickness relief.

To help me become a better daddy, and to help me stick to my new year's resolution, I've been reading a fantastic, daddy-to-be book called "The Expectant Father" by Armin A. Brott & Jennifer Ash. So far I've read through the second month, and its really been helpful in providing me specifics about how Reese is feeling, how I'm feeling, common thoughts of new fathers and questions & answers to things I may not have thought about. I'm reading this thing cover to cover, and I'm going to pick up any book that it recommends (which, so far are two additional books - "The New Father: A Dad's Guide to the First Year" and "A Dad's Guide to the Toddler Years"). Preparation is key.

Speaking of preparation, before we got pregnant Reese and I decided that when we did concieve, we'd immediately begin socking away a certain amount of money each month towards a fund for our child. We've been doing that since October, but it was just recently that we actually placed the funds in the appropriate account. I want to give this kid every advantage that I didn't have growing up, starting with a college (or whatever) fund.

So as we look towards the coming months, and I seem to be getting the hang of this dad thing more and more, I'll be sure to blog any time something special happens. At the very least, this process is keeping me closer to Reese than I've ever been before in my life, and that's really amazing. Good times!


Anonymous said...

Good stuff here. So grown up, so heart felt. You're a solid man Josh. It's so apparent how much you love Reese and will continue to be supportive and proactive in her life as well as your child's.