Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A dental success

I recently completed my usual trip to the dentist, who had informed me in months passed that I needed to have a filling. I've had fillings before, sure, but none required the use of anesthetic. I don't like needles at all, so that tended to work out pretty well for me. This time around was a different story. It seems I needed some work on a cavity in the rear balcony area of my mouth. They called it a molar. I call it the cheap seats. No matter, I needed that dreaded shot to numb me up good. I guess whenever it comes to getting shots, I've not progressed past the mentality of a toddler. "A shot? NO! Wheres my sucker? WAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Seriously, thats what goes through my head.

To my surprise, the dentist was damn good at preventing me from feeling anything at all. He rubbed a Q-Tip with some red goop on my gums first to numb them in a way that was not unlike ambasol. It had a strong cherry flavor to it, but its not something I'd consider for recreational use. After a few minutes, he jabbed me with the needle of numb-stuff and I didn't feel a thing. Turns out I was worried about nothing at all.