Thursday, October 04, 2007


Oh yea, I forgot to mention I got a haircut.

You may look up above at my headliner banner and think "That doesn't really look anything like Josh, what with his head so lavishly bedecked with waves of pure brownish-black bliss. Why would he use such an old pic?" Well, friends, the truth is that I got a much needed haircut this past Saturday. The mop is gone. I look very much like my old self.

I had originally asked the knife-wielding, hair wench to refer to the Crock & Murph logo to get a rough idea as to what I want. I wanted to still be mop-esque, but just a bit more refined. A short trim on the top with a generous trim to the side. I'm not saying she did a terrible job, but I look nothing like I do in that picture. I'll go home and pose with a pouty-face in the mirror of my bathroom and put it up here later, or whenever. My contract actually binds me to put in on MySpace first, then my blog, then Facebook and proceeds in that order until my face is adorning local boroughs' volunteer firefighter websites from geocities to angelfire and back again.

Yes, I just took it back to 1999.

My new (old) haircut makes me feel less alive, but much more streamlined. And I guess if I were to grab a Halloween costume, it would be easier to manage without all the hair getting in the way of facepaint or a mask.

Speaking of The Mask, that movie was damn funny. I encourage all of you weekend-lame-asses to go rent it for Saturday evening.


Anonymous said...

I mourn for your lost mojo, which was stored in your locks

Crock said...
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Crock said...

Thanks anonymous, but right before my precious locks were evicted, I moved my mojo to my hands. Better for squeezin'.