Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Finally, a template!

Welcome to the new blog.

I tossed around ideas about what I'm going to call my blog, how I wanted it laid out, and the possible catchy descriptors to insert into the lower right corner of that image up top. I had only a few ideas for a title, the best of which were already used by other bloggers. I decided on something that directly related to me.

How I came about the name "Crocktoberfest" was fun. I took three days and tried to collect my thoughts about how I felt about myself. In short, I gave myself a self-audit. I came up with three distinct things:

  • I like being funny.
  • I like my birthday.
  • I like to party.
Immediately, my birthday drew correlation to autumn --- hence the layout. I thought about the word "partying" for a very brief moment before I decided that the word "fest" was adequate for a party in the autumn (obviously borrowing from Oktoberfest). The rest, is history. Crocktoberfest was born.

On a related note, back in high school around this time of year I'd have a weird ass party where I'd require EVERYONE (guys inclusive) to wear a kilt or skirt of some kind. Awkward successes, these parties were. Glad I stopped having them. No need to be galabanting around in a skirt. Ever.

Bid a fond farewell to my series of Sex Panther blogs. Enjoy the warmth and welcome of Crocktoberfest.


Rollo said...

PARTY AT THIS BLOG! I brought a gang of tanguray